Saturday, March 19, 2005

Croquette Anyone?

Would you dare challenge this man to a match?

'Cause he'd just LOVE to play!

That's right, Johnny has his game face on.

Morning Dew

Monday, March 07, 2005

Salute to the Troops

The next three were taken a year or so ago at my brothers place on the plains of Illinois just west of Chicago.
My God-son/nephew Joey wanted me to take a photo of him saluting. He was thinking of the troops in Iraq. He sings Johnny Cash as he runs around with his cap gun defending the homestead from Islamo-terrorists. That's right Joey...for God & Country.

Midwest Mountains

Bigger than Everest...more fury than an avalanche and mudslide put together.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

American Beauty

Felt a little nostalgic, had to post my niece...Kateri.

Couldn't decide which cropping I liked better, so here are both.